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Navigating the Legal Landscape: Comprehending Traffic Control Legislation

by GTS Instructor

Jobs that require traffic management are normally high risk and require meticulous attention to detail. This is why it is important when hiring traffic management experts such as planners and Engineers, you want to be sure that the person you are entrusting to the job has completed a quality traffic control course. This also goes for people looking to diversify and upskill in the world of traffic management.

Global Training Services has firsthand knowledge on the importance of traffic control training, which is why our traffic control course is delivered at the highest quality. All of those that undertake our course walk out with not just the necessary knowledge and skills but the confidence to be able to implement it in projects and situations out in the real world.

In order to undertake a traffic control course with Global Training Services, one must have a driver’s license and a White Card otherwise they will not be allowed on any site. They must also be physically and mentally fit to work. Upon competition of the requirements of the traffic control course, participants will be issued with a statement of attainment so they can receive recognition to be able to apply for a Traffic control license and industry authority card. Traffic management, especially around building projects and events, is especially important as any issues can make a major impact on the safety of those in and around the location, so having these accreditations is a must.

Traffic Control for Your Event

No matter for how long or for what the reason, if you are running an event, a building project or a new construction project that may have an impact on traffic flow, then it is an absolute must to seek the advice from a traffic management planner. Having guidance from a traffic management planner is an important part of workplace safety and you may find that without their help, your project may not even get approval to go ahead- and this goes especially for event organisers.

Events involve a lot of people being surrounded by vehicles and heavy machinery that are moving around, reversing and loading and unloading which means if the traffic is not managed appropriately, it can be a danger to everybody from workers to volunteers to patrons and participants. Those who have received appropriate accreditation and completed a traffic control course can help your event plan for every phase.

The ‘bump in’ or the set-up phase can be an especially dangerous phase if proper a proper traffic management plan is not put in place. Unloading equipment and goods, the setting up of stages, displays, amusement devices or temporary buildings and with people and traffic going everywhere, including the possibility of local traffic surrounding the location, it is important part of workplace health and safety to have a solid plan in place.

It does not stop after the set-up though, during the event, local traffic control can be a concern as well as dealing with parking and pedestrians. If the ‘bump in’ is a high-risk time, then the ‘bump out’ or pack up phase can be even more risky. As there are all the same issues of traffic but add in the possibility of extra visitors and the possibility of pulling down structures. This is why ensuring you have proper traffic management put in place, by experts with their appropriate traffic control license after completing a high-quality traffic control course is so important for the smooth running of your event.

Traffic Control / Management Plans

Whether it is for an event or a building project, traffic control / management plans are absolutely essential. The majority of projects or events need council approval before going ahead, especially if there is the potential for any interruption of traffic flow so if you do not have an adequate plan in place then you may find that approval will not be granted.

Traffic management planners and Traffic Engineers have completed some kind of traffic control course, which is required before they get their traffic control license, so if you are needing a traffic management plan for your project or event, look for a licensed professional for guidance. They will be able to not just highlight any potential issues but also provide solutions that will mean workplace health and safety requirements are being met as well as ensuring that there is as little impact on the surrounding traffic as possible.