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Navigating the Legal Landscape: Comprehending Traffic Control Legislation

by GTS Instructor

A traffic controller basically directs the progression and speed of vehicles in a bid to ensure the safety of drivers, workers, and pedestrians. As a traffic controller, your role is distinctively recognised, especially when automatic traffic lights are out of place. You are then relied upon for manual control of vehicles. This kind of control is often needed close to construction sites, on public event days, and for emergencies.

The duties of a traffic controller are numerous, and if you choose to be one, you must be trained. These are tasks and duties you just can’t wake up to embrace without taking the requisite training, orientation, and sensitisation. That’s where Global Training Services come in. We offer traffic control training and courses to individuals like you who want to take up a career in this direction. After taking our training, you’ll also become eligible for a traffic control license.

Duties of a Traffic Controller

Your duties as a traffic controller aren’t stringent or difficult to carry out. However, your willingness and determination to take up this role are what form the foundation for the successful dispensing of your duties.

Here are some of the duties of a traffic controller:

  • Directing traffic to specific areas of need, like accident sites, construction sites, etc.
  • Road traffic management, i.e., the coordination, management, setting up, and removal of vehicles.
  • Communication via two-way radio with other team members (road traffic team and construction workers) to share updates on traffic and road conditions.
  • Being directed by a supervisor, construction project manager, paramedics, government officials, traffic authority workers, etc.
  • Asking vital questions from pedestrians or drivers and explaining operations to them.
  • Mounting and dismantling temporary road signs.
  • Directing pedestrians for their safety.

Other essential duties are expounded in our traffic control training at global training services. There you’ll get in-depth information about the specific tasks and duties of a traffic controller while leveraging real-life scenarios and case studies.

Traffic Control Job Requirements

Fundamentally, you must be accredited to work as a traffic controller. And accreditation doesn’t come without the requisite traffic control training and a traffic control license. However, the accreditation only lasts for three years, after which you’ll need to reapply for it.

Traffic control training also tends to be state or territory-specific. Hence, be advised that you need to check with the relevant state authority to gather more information, and for proper guidance.

In Australia, most states or territories have a minimum requirement when it comes to your competency as a traffic controller. This requirement is that you have completed at least the “control traffic with the stop-slow bat (RIIWHS205E)”. The minimum requirement also entails that you at least implement traffic management plans (RIIWHS302E).

The minimum requirement for training isn’t difficult to achieve or attain. That’s where we come in. At Global Training Services, we take joy in helping aspiring traffic controllers like you get the best possible training needed to start a beautiful career. Our goal is simple; within the reasonable boundaries of financial considerations, we want to educate and train people like you.

Steps To Become a Traffic Controller

To become a traffic controller in Queensland, you need to earn a white card. A white card is the tool of access that you need to work in construction zones all over Australia.

  • Apply for accreditation. Don’t just go for training and stop there. Take the next step. Without accreditation, you wouldn’t be recognised as a traffic controller. And the accreditation has to be renewed every 3 years.
  • Make sure you have all the necessary licenses and tickets that are relevant to being a traffic controller. You don’t want to venture into this field without having complete papers.
  • Here’s a PRO TIP: make sure you have an up-to-date driver’s license. That’s because some hires request it (as a prerequisite).

At Global Training Services, our traffic control course in Brisbane consists of 8 hours of theoretical training. While we invest 20 hours in you as a practical guide. Interestingly, we have a solid partnership with a traffic management company, so in terms of value, you will get the best from us.

Again, to take part in this course, you are required to have a driver’s license to your name. The license could be provisional, open or foreign, and must not be dated back beyond 5 years.

In addition, you must possess and be able to prove that you are a current holder of a white card. You could also present a statement of attainment for any one of the following: CPCOHS1001A or CPCCWHS1001.

You will also need to possess a blue card. This card must be dated prior to 1/07/09, or an alternative would be to provide a similar card from another state.

To be a traffic controller, you must go through a compulsory 20 hours placement. You can do this with one of the traffic management companies partnering with us.

This vocational placement is organised by the GTS trainer on a specific day of training. Amazingly, you’re covered by the GTS insurance for the period of training. GTS also makes provision for personal protective equipment (PPE), which you’ll need to have on hand during the 20-hour vocational placement.

You’ll be issued with a Statement of Attainment after you must have fulfilled all the requirements for the traffic control training (both theory and practical).

In addition, after the completion of our course, you are to apply to Queensland Transport for your Traffic Control License. This is usually valid for three years, and only acceptable in Queensland.

Wrapping Up

Are you willing to upskill? Do you want to take up a new traffic control role? We have the right traffic control course for you. Call us now to get started with your traffic control training.